Monday, September 7, 2009

"Where a Gas Station Looks Like the Taj Mahal...

...and a restaurant looks like a hat."

I had been wanting to watch Cairo for the past several days, and finally succumbed to that urge while in the process of massively cleaning my room last night. While I was taking things out of boxes and wondering just how I came to own so much stuff (eBay, Amazon...), I was also watching Jeanette and Ethel Waters tear it up in Waitin' for the Robert E. Lee (and rewinding the tape because I needed to watch it again) and making a list of things in my wee head. So, after the jump, I give you...
Five Reasons Why I Want to be Marcia Warren (And You Should, Too!)

1. WARDROBE. Seriously, Marcia Warren has some EXCELLENT clothing choices. As this is a VHS tape I sadly have no screencaps to provide.
2. Cleo is the best maid in the universe. If I ever had the opportunity to acquire a maid (I know no one has maids anymore, really, so this is a moot point), I would want her to be exactly like Cleo. In fact, if I could just resurrect Ethel Waters, that would be super. Really, I just want to be her BFF. And sing about towels.
3. Robert Young is really pretty cute.
4. She gets to up and decide to peace out on Beverly Hills and go hang out in Egypt for a while.
5. Obviously, this:

Watch the whole scene, or, skip to 3:20 for Ethel Waters being a rock star and be sure to watch through 4:45 for Jeanette's super adorable dance skills. Major kudos to the glorious human who posted this clip on YouTube. Thank you thank you thank you, human.

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